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mado gianni​​
screenwriter/ story editor
Genre: Surreal Drama
Page Count: 90 pages.
Status: written on spec
Production: low budget
Logline: An food delivery cyclist with an obsessive compulsion disorder gets in trouble when she delivers a box of food that sends someone to the hospital.
Synopsis: Philippa is a girl in her twenties who can't apologise. One night she has a strange dream - she learns a secret about the world that she can't share.
The next day as she goes to work, a series of events begins that can only be solved in one way: Philippa has to own up to her mistake.
As dreams and reality intertwine, Philippa discovers the secrets and lies that hold her friend group together. She knows things that she's not supposed to know while at the same time her friends have access to her dreams.
In the end, she realises that she couldn't have saved her sister who died of a heart attack at the age of 22. Life is inexplicable and far from perfect but for a girl who needs to be perfect, this seems like an impossible reality.
My grandma says that "sleeping without dreaming means you have your peace of mind."
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